With our newly established Internet connection, I'll be able to update more regularly. Now, we're finding our feet and trying to figure out just what our days hold for us. Oh, and balancing our desire to explore with the pressing needs of setting up our new life: visits from the plumber, trips to the DMV, a few home repairs, and several trips to the supermarket.

Kevin returned our rental car to LA and took the train back, which meant we got to pick him up at the train station. Fun! Except for the delayed-train-near-dinnertime part. Healthy-ish snacks from a local bakery seemed to help, and I'm pretty sure I'll never forget Thomas's look of dumbfounded joy at the arriving Amtrak.

We've already put this bad boy to good use, knocking out the summer reading club in a weekend. We probably could visit the library every single day.

This is the boardwalk at our local nature preserve, where Lucy has decided she's the fastest girl in the world.

For about four days, we thought there was a stray black cat roaming our street. Peter named her Yellow-Eyed Susan, and we all thought it was hilarious when she walked right into our house. It turns out, Yellow-Eyed Susan is our neighbor's cat. It's lucky, too, because these children came about two weeks away from adopting a stray.


Fancying up our garden with some fairy houses.

Lots of cooking and baking in our new kitchen. "I love our dishwasher, just like Grammy and Poppy have!" Lucy has said more than once.

silly breakfasts + dress-ups

There is a huge patch of wild blackberries at the end of our street. We've enjoyed a few with each visit past the canes, but unfortunately for us they are very thorny.

We headed to the end of the street (and down a block) to find the bay! The water was a bit mucky for the kids to go in - and you know the water's bad when even these children think it might not be a good idea! - but we have enjoyed looking out at Morro Bay on our nightly post-dinner walks.
P.S. We're going to park our boat here, when we get one. Also, this is at most a five-minute walk from our house. Five minutes for Lucy, mind you.

And, we found a new tree swing! It doesn't compare to the swing on campus, but few would. Also, Lucy picked a cattail to be her fairy wand. She stared to wave it and nearly had a seizure of happiness when she saw the seeds fly away. "FAIRY DUST! MY WAND MAKES FAIRY DUST!"